Tyler G Harvey, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Clemson University Bioengineering
Contact Information
Office: 313 Rhodes Engineering Research Center
Phone: (864) 656-8616
Email: tgharve@clemson.edu
PhD, Bioengineering, Clemson University, 2018
Certificate, Engineering and Science Education, Clemson University, 2018
MS, Bioengineering, Clemson University, 2016
BS, Bioengineering (Bioelectrical), Clemson University, 2014
Research Interests
Novel Pedagogical Methods in Engineering Education
Alternative Grading
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering
Engineering Identity and Career Development
Sports Biomechanics
Computational Modeling of Living Systems
Scanning Probe Microscopy
I'm also a Faculty Fellow of the Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute.
Recent Publications & Patents
S. Conner, T.G. Harvey, D. Neyens, D.M. Boyer, M.E. Kurz. Engineering Identity of Non-Traditional Students in and Undergraduate Transfer Program. Forthcoming in Journal of Continuing Higher Education (2025).
T.G. Harvey, D. Dean. CellSpark: A Simulation Tool to Spark Discovery Learning. Biomedical Engineering Education (2025). doi:10.1007/s43683-024-00167-1
T.E. Parr, J.D. DesJardins, A.R. Hippensteal, T.G. Harvey, G. Lv. Transfemoral Prosthesis with Ambulatory Length-Actuation: Design and Preliminary Evaluation. IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 193416-193428, 2024. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3519488.
T.G. Harvey. Factors Influencing Career Choice and Success in Undergraduate BME Students (Work in Progress). ASEE Annual Conference 2024.
A.R. Smothers, J.R. Henderson, J.J. O'Connell, J.M. Stenbeck, D. Dean, T.G. Harvey, B.W. Booth. Efficacy and Selectivity of Tumor-Treating Field Therapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells via In-House Delivery Device. Discover Oncology. 2023 Mar 29;14(1):34.
J. Rodriguez-Devora, T.G. Harvey, K. Frady, M. Hinson, B. Putnam, W.D. Ferriell. Outreach Program Evaluation through the Lens of Engineering Identity Development (Evaluation). ASEE Annual Conference 2022.
R. Rapert, R.A. Latour, G. Chumanov, T.G. Harvey, G. Korneva. (2021). A Simple, Low-Cost Method of Measuring Ammonia Concentration in Exhaled Breath for Routine Monitoring of Chronic Kidney Disease. (US Patent Application No. 17,517,919). Pending.
A.N. Chowdhury, H. T. Vo, S. Olang, E. Mappus, B. Peterson, N. Hlavac, T. Harvey, D. Dean. A Customizable Chamber for Measuring Cell Migration. J. Vis. Exp. 121. e55264, doi:10.3791/55264 (2017).
Courses I Teach
I teach primarily undergraduate Bioengineering classes. While my main focus is on senior capstone design, I also get to teach a variety of other classes for underclassmen. Here is a listing of courses I am teaching now or have taught recently. Click on any course for a copy of a recent syllabus.
I'm also a faculty advisor for Clemson Biomedical Applications Club (Formerly Clemson Bionics). Check them out on TigerQuest. .
Office Hours
Want to meet with me? Use one of the links below to schedule an appointment.
I'm passionate about increasing access to STEM for underserved and underrepresented groups. Here are a few of my past and current outreach projects:

Call Me Doctor© ESTEEMED
The NIH-funded Call Me Doctor© - ESTEEMED (Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Educational Diversity) Scholars Program helps underrepresented freshman and sophomore-level trainees develop as scholars and scientists. It lays strong foundations through academic enrichment, financial support, faculty and peer mentoring, and training in Clemson biomedical research laboratories.
Click the logo to the left to view more information about the ESTEEMED Scholars Program.

SCGSSM GoSciTech Engineering Summer Day Camp
I work extensively with the Outreach Programs division at the South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics. Through this partnership, I help develop and deliver curriculum for GoSciTech Day - Engineering (Formerly CREATEng), a summer camp for rising 7-9th graders across South Carolina.
Click the logo at the left to find out more about GoSciTech Day and other outreach experiences at SCGSSM.

EXPLORE Mobile Lab
The EXPLORE Mobile Lab is a partnership between Duke Energy and Clemson's College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences which provides hands on engineering activities to 6-8th grade students across South Carolina. Using the lab as a resource, we're hoping to gauge the current state of engineering identity among SC middle school students as well as gauging the effect of outreach programs in general on helping to grow engineering identity.
Click the logo to the left to view more information about the EXPLORE Mobile Lab.

K-12 Sports Science CI
K-12 Sports Science was a student led Creative Inquiry project aimed at developing an outreach program to engage middle school student athletes in STEM by engaging them with Sports Science technologies. The second goal of this project is to provide hands on experience in circuit design, prototyping, and coding to underclassmen General Engineering and Bioengineering students here at Clemson.
Click the logo to the left to view the student designed website which documents the progress on the project and future goals.
Sometimes I make software to make research and teaching easier. Here's a couple of my recent projects:

CellSpark is a MATLAB based electrophysiology simulator used to allow inquiry based learning in undergrad BioE classes.
Recommended citation: Harvey, TG (2017). CellSpark Electrophysiology Simulator. [Computer Software]. Clemson, SC: Clemson University.

AFM Indentation Analysis
This is a MATLAB tool used to make the processing of AFM indentation data a little easier. It's designed for data from IGOR-based systems (Asylum) but it should work with any data.
Recommended citation: Harvey, TG & Dean, D (2017). AFM Indentation Analysis [Computer Software]. Clemson, SC: Clemson University.